In contrast to the other criminals, the removal is not due to the use of force or a corresponding threat to the victim. The sex crime is again different from the fraud by the deception, on the basis of which the victim hands over the respective thing to the fraudster. In addition in Portland, a sex crime is to be delimited for embezzlement according to the law. In the case of embezzlement, the deed is already in the possession or custody of the perpetrator, so he has the actual control over the cause in the offense.
The act is committed by the unlawful dedication, ie in addition to the will to conquer an objective act or omission on the part of the perpetrator is regularly demanded that deprives the deed object the right of the previous owner and actually appropriates itself the position of the owner in fact by takes the thing in own possession. In addition, this change will also be somehow objectively visible to the outside world.
But the criminal law firm in Portland at Mark C. Cogan, P.C will help your with this situation. Contact them for a Portland sex crimes attorney.